101 in 1001

Last week, I stumbled across Mackenzie Horan's blog, Design Darling, and found a list she created
called 101 Things in 1001 Days. I think this a brilliant idea since I love setting goals and making resolutions. This list is more of a bucket list/to-do list, so I'm all for it! Instead of a year to accomplish everything, it's spanned over 2.75 years. Inspired by this,  I decided to create my own list. Some of them are fun and spontaneous, and others are more serious and personal. So let's get started!

Starts: January 12, 2015
Ends: October 9, 2017
  1. Come up with 101 things.  (January 2015 )
  2. Redesign my blog.  (new look for the new year!) (January 2015 )
  3. Get both of my ears pierced. (April 2015)
  4. Participate in a 5k.
  5. Try something out of my comfort zone.  (April 2015 - ran for staff)
  6. Take a yoga class. (June 2015)
  7. Attend a festival event.(September 26, 2015 - LA County Fair) 
  8. Design and re-model my closet.
  9. Throw a surprise party . (May 10, 2015)
  10. Go on a rollercoaster.
  11. Give up soda for 3 months.
  12. Go to homecoming with my friends. (October 25, 2015)
  13. Write an original song & post it on Youtube.
  14. Guest post on a blog.
  15. Do the splits on both sides.
  16. Dye my hair a new color.
  17. Get my driver's permit.
  18. Get my license.
  19. Visit a botanical garden.
  20. Volunteer abroad.
  21. Learn archery.
  22. Watch a sunrise.
  23. Watch a sunset.
  24. Read 10 books (6/10)
  25. Go to 3 music concerts. (2/3)  
  26. Have my work published. (April 2015)
  27. Sell 5 items on Vinted. (0/5)
  28. Try 10 DIY projects that I've pinned. (10/10) 
  29. Go a weekend without Internet, TV, etc.
  30. Sing in front of an audience. (October 4, 2015)
  31. Host a party. (December 25, 2015) 
  32. Have a picnic with family. (December 19, 2015 - dad's bday) 
  33. Create a personal planner.  (April 2015)
  34. Meet my first goal weight.
  35. Meet my second goal weight.
  36. Try to make macaroons.
  37. Sing karaoke with my friends. (December 28, 2015)
  38. Re-organize & personalize my room. (April 2015)
  39. Watch 5 TED talks. (2/5)
  40. Travel to a different country.  
  41. Make cake pops. (June 4, 2015)
  42. Go on a family road trip to another state. (August 2015 - Oregon)
  43. Try something new. (December 1, 2015 - auditioned for school play) 
  44. Hike to a waterfall. (August 2015 - Oregon) 
  45. Finish a 30-Day Fitness Challenge.
  46. Create a short film.
  47. Go to Disneyland.
  48. Paint a self-portrait.
  49. Create a productive, morning routine.
  50. Complete a family photo album.
  51. Write to my sponsor child.
  52. Go snow sledding.
  53. Have a family photo shoot.
  54. Become baptized. (November 22, 2015 - a milestone in my life) 
  55. Go one month without junk food.
  56. Attend 3 school events I've never been to. (3/3) (football game, homecoming, waterpolo)
  57. Learn to play a guitar song from the movie, August Rush.
  58. Develop a healthy skincare routine morning/night.
  59. Visit 5 museums. (3/5)
  60. Volunteer for Operation Christmas Child. (December 12, 2015)
  61. Make 2 "just because" gifts. (0/2)
  62. Watch actual snow fall (December 20, 2015)
  63. Make it into varsity swim.
  64. Join a new organization/club at school. (Music for Healing)
  65. Learn to play a very difficult piano song.
  66. Hit  5,000 pages views on my blog.
  67. Create a blogging schedule.
  68. Make balloon paint art.
  69. Sign up for a blog link-up. (January 2015)
  70. Take underwater pictures. (July 4, 2015)
  71. Make an online friend. (January 2015)
  72. Try 5 new restaurants. (5/5) 
  73. Create a T-shirt design.
  74. Get a PR for 50 breaststroke. (April 29, 2015!!!)
  75. Attend my sister's college graduation.
  76. Write a letter to a friend and family member.
  77. Travel to Europe.
  78. Visit Yellowstone National Park.
  79. Visit Big Bear. (January 2015)
  80. Watch an entire T.V. show on Netflix. (April 2015 - The 100)
  81. Get an officer position for a school club. (May 10, 2016)
  82. Take a graphic design class. 
  83. Make my own sushi.
  84. Read 5 classic books. (5/5)
  85. Say "yes" for the entire day. 
  86. Create an inspiration board.
  87. Have a movie marathon.  (June 2, 2015)       
  88. Create a font in my own handwriting.
  89. Take a free helpful, online class.
  90. Movie-hop at the theaters.
  91. Learn and complete a dance routine. (April 23, 2016)
  92. Be a crew leader for my church's VBS. (June 17, 2015)
  93. Try outdoor ice skating.
  94. Visit a state I've never been to.  (August 2015 - Oregon)
  95. Discover a new hobby.
  96. Go to prom.
  97. Donate old clothes.
  98. Have a photoshoot. (December 26, 2015  - s/o Phoebe & Lorraine)
  99. Learn to make a fishtail braid.
  100. Buy a lavender-colored sweater.
  101. Wake up at 5:00 a.m. everyday for a week.


  1. This sounds like such a great idea. I have seen others do it but I really need to check it out for myself.

    1. Thank you so much! :) you should definitely try making a list because it'll help motivate and make you feel accomplished when you check things off! :)

  2. It looks like you have some busy days ahead of you! I love your list girl, it's so great to push ourselves outside of our comfort zones and this is definitely a way to do it. Good luck with it Mel! I can't wait to follow this journey of yours!

    1. Thank you so much, Kendall! Yeah, it definitely wasn't easy putting some of them in the list, but it's worth it when you feel accomplished in the end. :)
