A Note + First Time taking the Metrolink

So first of all, I want all of you guys (and girls) to know that this blog is basically a JOURNAL ABOUT MY LIFE. Please don't take this blog seriously! This is just to let you guys get an inside scoop on my life adventures (not really).

SO ANYWAYS, the title says it all. Yesterday, I spent the day with the fam bam. We took the Metrolink from Fullerton to San Juan Capistrano. SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO. I had no idea why we went to SJC cause there was literally nothing to do; we ended up taking a bus to Dana Point, where we walked the pier and watched surfers.. well, surf. So after that, we ate at a delicious café, and took a bus back to the Metrolink station. Overall, super duper FUN day and I took a bunch of pics. HOPE YOU ENJOY MY ADVENTURE AT SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO. :)

I believe it was Dana Point beach? LOL
the café we ate at after walking the pier

Find some time for your family! This was a super refreshing, stress-reliever trip, and I'm so glad I got to spend it with my family because it's been a while since we had time together. Appreciate every little moment together and cherish it. Anyways, enough of my deep philosophies (jk). I'll talk to you guys (and girls) later!

- Melanie :)

Church Bound

I went on a church retreat this weekend, and it was super fun and refreshing. I walked around the retreat campsite with one of my friends; we ended up taking pictures of the campus.

My friend, Shejia :)

This is probably the shortest post I've published, but I hope you guys enjoyed the Bible verses in the pics above! I'll talk to you guys soon as always.

- Melanie :)

Vincenzo's Terrazza

Today, I decided to try an Italian restaurant called Vincenzo's Terrazza. Just a heads-up, the outside of the restaurant is NOTHING compared to the inside. Everything on the inside is so fancy and Italian-themed, but the outside is just plain dull; you wouldn't give a thought about going in. However, the service was extremely satisfying, and the food was #onpointe. No kidding. IT'S THE BEST ITALIAN RESTAURANT I'VE EVER BEEN TO. And to prove my point, here's a pic:
OMG. just looking at this makes me drool.
 Isn't this the cutest, most romantic setting ever? just kidding, but still! 
I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU TO PAY THIS RESTAURANT A VISIT. They have very good reviews on Yelp!,and I guarantee you'll want to come back again! Anyways, that's it for now. I'll talk to you guys soon!
- Melanie :)

Let's Go to the Beach, Let's Go Get Away

Took this pic on the ferris wheel. It was such a BREATHTAKING view.

Banana powdered-sugar funnel cake with whip cream! YUM
I went with my friends to Santa Monica beach yesterday, and we had quite an adventure. Instead of staying in the shallow end like we thought we would, we ended up getting drenched from head-to-toe from these HUGE waves for a good 2 hours. After that, we got hungry so we walked to Subway, then to 3rd Street Promenade in our wet clothes, which was a HUGE struggle. I thought 3rd Street Promenade had a cool vibe to it because it had all these little restaurants and shopping stores.  
So if you ever want to hang out with your friends, but you don't know where... the beach is always a great idea! Especially since it's summer, have some fun and relax a little. Anyways, I'll talk to you guys soon!
- Melanie :)

Puffect, Not Perfect

Hey, it's been forever since I've last posted! Just an update about me, these couple of weeks I've been attending summer school and spending a lot of time with friends and family, so I haven't had time to post. And I greatly apologize for that!

Anyways, last Wednesday I went to a café called Puffect Bakery Café. And no, it's not a typo or misspelling error. Just a heads-up, I'm Chinese, so I could totally imagine a native Chinese person attempting to say "perfect" but it sounds like "puffect." But don't let the name fool you!

The food was absolutely delicious and it wasn't as pricey, compared to other cafes. I ordered the Chicken Pesto Panini and a jasmine green tea with added strawberry and lychee. I definitely recommend you to go try it out :)
Talk to you guys soon,