10 Things I'm Thankful For This Thanksgiving

1.  God

Through every obstacle I've overcome, God has always been there for me. He has been so gracious to me when I didn't deserve it. I continue to thank Him everyday for being able to live in His presence. I would literally be lost without Him.

2. Family

I am incredibly blessed to have such a caring, wonderful family. Words seriously can't even describe how much I love them.

3. Friends

How can I survive high school without these people. I honestly will say that I have 2-3 really close friends. These people are willing to put up with my never ending rants about life. They are so encouraging and supportive, which is all I really need atm. High school's been draining me out a lot lately, so they're basically my "saviors."

4. Music

Music is my lifesaver. Music is my stress reliever. Music is something I look forward to everyday after coming home from school.  Music completes me. Enough said.

5. Netflix

OMG. NETFLIX IS LIFE (totally not an overused saying). I think I spend more time on Netflix than schoolwork. Whoops. #sorrynotsorry

6. Sleep

Thank goodness for late starts at school.

7. Food/Water

Because food and water are an essential part of living.

8. Pinterest

pinterest. pinterest. pinterest.

9. Family trips

Cause family trips bring back childhood memories.

10. My dog

Ah, Barney (name of my dog). He's just so... FLUFFY.

I could probably write a whole list of other things I'm thankful for, but these stood out the most. HAPPY THANKSGIVING, EVERYONE! Eat lots of turkey!

Lots of love,